Wednesday, May 11, 2005


So, Ralph is on vacation this week, all week. I took over one of his smaller funds while he's away. However, Ben and Lawrence are also out today, both have called in sick. It seems orchestrated - but that's neither here nor there. I am covering one of Ben's funds and one of Lawrence's funds. This brings my total to nine. Just like the good old days, like back when I started this blog - well, then I had eight, but close enough, right? - and it's a pretty good spread. For easy funds, I've got three tax-frees: they pretty much just sit there, sometimes they'll go haywire, but usually nearer the begining of the month. Two taxables: they just sit there and roll income over to tomorrow, not usually any trades, not usually any issues. Then, I've got (1) The Ireland fund: not bad, but different from all the rest, and requires more work; (2) the Government Yield fund, which isn't usually bad but has a tendecy to go haywire much more often than the tax-frees; (3) the Trust fund, which is big, and trades late, and the trade guy is having some family issues, or dealing with gambling debts, or maybe is considering major reconstructive plastic surgery, or something, whatever it is it's certainly keeping his mind off the fund lately and errors are increasing; and (4) The tax-free-but-I-want-to-be-a-taxable-so-bad-I-can-taste-it fund, which should be an easy tax-free like all the others, but, unlike tax-frees and much more like taxables it trades often, trades late, often trades late, and is gigantic, and whenever a fund is this gigantic the number of errors increases dramatically.

So I'm pretty excited for today's workload.

recommended download:
Dispatch, Bulletholes
Cake, Commissioning a Symphony in C
Weezer, El Scorcho, Buddy Holly
Weezer, Love Explosion

how stupid is it, I can't talk about it, I've gotta sing about it, and
make a record oh/

how stupid is it, for all I know you want me to, and mabye you just
don't know what to do/

and maybe you're scared to say, I'm fallin' for you


Kate Mills said...

"i'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon..."
god bless el scorcho

Tom said...

I asked you to go to the green day concert
you said you'd never heard of them
how cool is that? so I went to your room
and read your di-a-reee-yy
"watchin' grunge leg drop New Jack through a press table"
And then my heart stopped:
"listening to Cho Cho San, fall in love all over again'."