Monday, May 23, 2005

Let it rain on me.

I've said before, and I stand by it, that I am a fan of all types of weather. "There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." (Benedict)


There is no reason for it to continue to be this cold near the end of May. Rain I understand, though it's a month late (april showers...). Cold though. Again, it's not that I dislike the cold. It's that there are many things that normally occur in the spring that can't happen if it's cold out. Things that are supposed to happen in warm spring weather. You know what I'm talking about: picnics, baseball games, cookouts, and so on. So, mother nature, let's get it moving, k?


recommended download: The Old 97's, Big Brown Eyes


Tom said...

I thought you hated that commute. And of course I love Nor'easters in May. And any other time. And of course we're still friends. And also I was thinking of the Travis song "Why does it always rain on me" when I titled this post.


Tom said...

no wise man has ever said that

Tom said...

better than that. I know what ALL the wise men in the world haven't said during the span of their ENTIRE lives. And I know they didn't say that.



Anonymous said...

I'd like to know how you know.

By the way, I'm pretty sure a wise woman said it, too.