Monday, May 16, 2005

It's all in my head

I didn't want to go see Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Episode II was such a disappointment that I foreswore Episode III. I just can't have my hopes dashed again.

So my plan was this: Pay no attention to media hype, commercials aired on television, billboards, internet ads, and especially, especially, reviews. Since it's a Star Wars film, and the last Star Wars film, and not just any summer blockbuster the media campaign is further exaggerated.

But I was doing so well! I'm not even sure when the movie opens. AND THEN (gah!) I glanced at a headline today on the T. Rats. The headline read something like "Anakin turns to the dark side as director (finally) finds the light"

DAMNIT. Now it's in my head! I've been dreading, dreading, the next attempt by George Lucas to destroy this universe he created. Now, doubt has crept in. What if he has turned it around. What if this is a good movie?! ARGH. NOW I'M GETTING MY HOPES UP!

This can only end in disaster.


mance01 said...

Go see the movie. Join me on the dark side. Better yet, join my friend at the theatre without me. :) I have read a lot of positive reviews about it, including one saying that it's better than Star Wars (I guess the first of the original trilogy.) So go see it...then we can bitch about it later :)

Anonymous said...

The best way to not care would be to never have seen any of the films.

Because then you just look at people and go "I don't get it."

Anonymous said...


that is actually exactly what I do.

adina (avid movie watcher who has seen none of the star war movies)

Anonymous said...


Let's start a club. When people look at you like you have a second head upon hearing that you've never seen Star Wars ("HOW have you NEVER seen Star Wars?!"), we can whip out a spiffy membership card and say "Man, don't you wish you could belong? Oh, but you can't."

Besides, we've held out so long that we can do something that no one else can do--watch all of the different movies without waiting for years in between each one.

I really, REALLY like the dark chocolate M&Ms commercial though.

Tom said...

You know what? I don't want to be a part of your stupid club.

besides that would mean I would have to have spent my entire life not knowing how cool mandalorian armor is, or that the biggest gangster on tatooine is jabba the hutt. I would not have laughed at Weird Al's "The Saga Begins" or committed the lyrics to memory. I would not have spent one whole summer at the beach trying off and on to levitate rocks with the power of the Force. I would not have known exactly how funny a well-timed bleep can be. If I'd never seen Star Wars I would know Alec Guiness as a brilliant film star, not as Obi-Wan Kenobi. I would not have understood Blink 182's "A New Hope." If I'd never seen Star Wars I wouludn't be able to tell the difference between a Mon Calamari and an Ewok. Without Star Wars I wouldn't know lightsabers are the coolest weapons in the history of the galaxy. James Earl Jones would be Mufasa, and not the voice of the scariest being in the galaxy. If I hadn't seen Star Wars I would not believe in magic, in hope, in honor, and justice, and rooting for the underdog.

This is a post about everything that is good about Star Wars. So Adina and Kelly, you can shove your little club. I'm in a better club. I'm a fan. Sam, I'm with you. Opening weekend. For good or for bad. Even if it's a bust I'll still love it.


Anonymous said...

kelly, i'll send you a draft version of our club cards. On the back it can say like "Obi-What?" The theme could be "Watching other movies since (whenever Star Wars came out, I have no idea because I've never seen any of them)." We could have meetings where we discussed what Anakin really was: "I thought it was a brand of dish detergent." "I always thought it sounded like a small city in Oklahoma." At the next meeting we can discuss t-shirt designs. I'm thinking pink. ~ adina (p.s. I didn't really know the names of those people, i looked at tom's entry for names).

tom ~ I totally skimmed your star wars comment because i didn't know who any of those people were. I'm flashing my draft membership card right now! ~ adina

Tom said...

Adina, I'm using my Force powers to shoot lighting at you. And also to give you indigestion.

-darth a20261