Thursday, April 07, 2005

Two bit

When I quit my job I'm going to let it all go. I will consciously disregard any and all technical aspects of what we do here. I will consciously allow my skills to fall away, unpracticed, unused, one by one. Leave it all behind.

It will happen quickly, one or two days after my resignation it will be complete. If asked to return soon after leaving I would need to be retrained for each part of the job. Trades, rates, funds, and holdings would no longer mean anything. I will forget phone extensions, I will for get email addresses, even my own, I will be unable to recognize former coworkers in a crowd.

When I leave, everything goes.

recommended download:
Marcy Playground, No One's Boy


Donny said...

What "skills" are you talking about? I thought you basically spend your mornings waiting for lunch and your afternoons waiting for 6 o'clock.

Anonymous said...

boy did donny beat me to that punchline or what