Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Let's talk about totally freaking out

I lost my phone. This is a big deal. I spend about 0.00% of my day on the phone. Really, it's not a phone at all, it's a battery I charge up, and clip to my belt until it runs out, then charge again. But talk about freaking the hell out.

I lead a simple life. Leaving the house in the morning there are four things I bring with me, four things I know will get me through any situation that arises: my keys, my wallet, my chapstick, and my phone. That's it. I've got those things, I'm set. They're like, the pillars, the foundation my day is based on, so maybe you can imagine what happens when one of the pillars just goes missing. I start freaking the hell out.

I realized the phone was gone just as I stepped off the T. That is not a good situation to be in. Desperation hit me like an electric shock, turning and sprinting towards the train as it's leaving the station is something you've seen late commuters do, what you don't often see are those commuters trying to wedge their fingers in the doors of the train and pry them open as it is accelerating out of the station. Panic. The train was gone. My phone was on the train. My phone. Train. Freak the hell out.

My mind immediately tackles the problem, calculating how fast I can run, how far away the next station is, the chance that my phone has been pocketed by a less than upstanding commuter. Meanwhile my feet are on autopilot, and I end up in the office at my desk. Problem not solved. Where is my phone. My link to the outside world (sort of). My shiny silver walkie-talkie enabled cellular device. I miss it already.

Fire up the computer. mbta.com Track down the lost-and-found number. What do I tell them...um, it's on a train? No, I am detailed oriented. I am ready with the car number, with the time the train left with me off it and my phone on it, with the color, everything. Turns out, not necessary. Because while I'm firing up the computer, I call home. To say hey, I lost my phone on the T. But, please could you just sort of check that I didn't leave it on my bed because I forgot a pillar of my day-to-day life thanks.

Turns out, it was on my bed.


Johnny Sapphire said...


Only I actually use my phone.

And PS I totally sometimes call you so wft about not using your phone??

Johnny Sapphire said...

That's WTF. Sorry.

K said...

Yeah, and he totally sometimes calls me, so wtf? from me, too.