Thursday, April 28, 2005

it's like a disease

blogger - has finally done it: interfered. and what's worse: it's getting worse.

When all this began, months ago, I was diligent, dedicated, efficient, and pure. I did my work. I double-checked. Then I blogged.
Soon after this began, less months ago, I was less diligent, semi-dedicated, efficient, and not so pure. I did my work. While I did my work I thought about blogging. Sometimes I would blog then work.
Now, now, I am at the mercy of my desire to blog. At its mercy. To bring the point into relief (unconscious acts are italicized):

This morning I made an entry on my spreadsheet. I clicked Save. I opened a window to the internet. I clicked print. I logged in to I began thinking about the Celtics. I began writing about the Celtics. I began browsing around online. I visited other blogs. I thought that I had forgotten something. I continued to browse the internet. I sort of think something I forgot is job-related. Maybe something to do with I opened my email. I logged onto AIM. I perused away messages. Maybe I printed...something. Yes. Think about that. Think. I went back to the internet. AHA! The printer!! I have to go to the printer!! ...

It's become my driving force. No longer a conscious thought. This could spell trouble.

recommended download:
Blink 182, A New Hope
Marcy Playground, Wave Motion Gun
Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A' Changing
The Who, The Seeker


Anonymous said...

You are a slave to the blog.

Oh, and that post before? about not being dead? Very shameless attempt to get people to comment.

Tom said...

;) I guess it worked.