Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Back in the saddle

In the middle of April I spent four gorgeous spring days in Dallas/Ft. Worth. When I landed in Boston on the 12th it was snowing. This is why I love New England.

Now I am back at my desk, working on funds and budgets, and trying to keep my brain off "sleep" mode. It is a difficult task (the last one, the first two are so boring they only make staying awake harder). I spent the morning deleting the 63 emails I'd missed while I was out Monday and Tuesday; none were relevant. I've also been asked three times how my trip was: once by the complainer Charlie, he was sincere; once by Anne, who was also sincere, but as she doesn't use more than six words per day she didn't have any follow-up questions; and once by hypermanager, who was not sincere, but rather waiting for a chance to ask "did you go to a mustang ranch, how about a dude ranch? were you at a chicken ranch?" Thanks buddy. I was in Dallas. I saw three cowboys hats, total.

I may or may not post highlights from the trip later on, right now I'm not in a very highlighty place. I'm much more in a close my eyes and go to sleep at my desk place. No, that's wrong. The place I'm really in is that place where you know there are things more important than funds, and cubicles, when you know that spending time with friends on warm spring days, meeting new exciting people, and travelling to places you haven't been before, and then enjoying coming back home are more important. Alas, I haven't established a way to generate cash flow without spending time here at work though. So I'm back in between "travel to new places" times, languishing in the "do boring repetative work" time.

recommended downloads
Our Lady Peace, Are You Sad


Johnny Sapphire said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Arlington and Dallas, Tom. YAY HOME!

I heard you met Greg. I realized right after Kelly told me that YOU ARE SO THE COLLEGE VERSION OF GREG.

It's a little freaky. I wish you'd have known him in junior high when our orchestra teacher used to throw things at him during rehearsal. Seriously.

It pisses me off that he's such a freaking genius.

Anonymous said...

Or when he'd crawl into the cello cabinets?

John, just tell yourself "He was born in 1981, he'll turn 30 first."

Tom said...

thirty is just a number.
well, actually "thirty" is a word
30 is a number.

nobody's ever impressed with my math degree.

but everybody is impressed when they find out I juggle.


Anonymous said...

you juggle? holy crap! that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

"new exciting people" = Susan