Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Is my work suffering? Are you dissapointed in the quality of my results? Am I missing deadlines? Did I forget to print something out? Did I not run a report I should have? Am I a below-average employee? AM I?! No. I'm a good employee. I know, because I'm a smart guy. Here's how I figured it out, two things: People have always told me I'm a good employee. -and- I haven't changed or altered the way I work.

So why the static? Look. I'm not walking in here demanding you make me happy. All I'm asking, asking, is that you stop going out of your way to make me unhappy. My work is being handed in on time, right? It's correct, right? I'm learning everyday, making less mistakes than when I started, right? I elevate problems when I know I can't deal with them, right? I'm a beacon of positive light and energy in this workplace and especially this group filled with nay-sayers and pessimists, right? RIGHT. SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET UP OFF MY BACK?

So, manager guy, here's what you do. Pull me aside "Hey, can I see you a minute [awkward pause] Nothing bad." Walk to your office, out of ear shot, close the door. Say, "Listen, I saw an AOL Instant Messenger window on your screen while you were at lunch, I think the AVP might have seen it to. Instant Messenger isn't approved software, you know? I've had to talk to some other people about it. I'm telling you now, as like, you know.. I don't want to have to do something about it. If the AVP says something to me, then, you know... So just, get it off the computer. I don't want to him say something to me, before, you know..."

Gee, what a well delivered warning. I'm glad my boss can communicate at a level on par with high school freshman, like, you know? I'm glad his primary concern is the state of his group, the well-being of the employees directly under his supervision, and not, like, you know, company policies and procedures that, are (1) stupid and (2) not enforced by anyone anywhere except, aparently, my manager and the AVP.

So make your case. If it's not approved software, then get it the hell off the computers, it would take three seconds to add to the company firewall's restricted list. They've got control of all the computers on their network too, with a five line program they could sweep the nation wide network and have any instance of AIM on any terminal hooked up to the system uninstalled overnight. Don't give me this "not approved" line. If it weren't approved, it wouldn't be allowed. These are the same IT guys that have blocked hotmail, yahoomail, gmail, and every other online email site that exists. These are the guys that have blocked (and what the hell is that about?).

What's the real issue? You want us concentrating on mutual funds and only mutual funds? Why not say that then? Because you don't have a leg to stand on, that's why. Because I'm doing my job, I'm not costing the funds any money, I'm efficient, I'm correct, I'm on time. What is your problem. When it becomes an issue, when I'm not completing work because I'm online, that's when you say something. Otherwise back the hell off.

recommended download:
Flogging Molly, Screaming At The Wailing Wall


Anonymous said...

sounds like someone could use a drink at their favorite sketchy neighborhood bar

K said...

It's kind of amusing that we were all knocking on Tom's AIM slackerdom yesterday, and he's banned from it today.

Tom said...

haha that is kind of funny so good of you to point it out haha haha


Anonymous said...

i am also laughing, but i will keep my laughter under my breath. since tom's hand is a little sensitive right now for being slapped.

Tom said...

ooh, good metaphor, you must be an english major with not enough work and too much time on her hands to cruise around online and comment on blogs!

Johnny Sapphire said...


What's it called?
Oh yes, schadenfreude.
