Friday, March 25, 2005

I've got another creepy stalker

So the first creepy stalker found me on the facebook. started IMing me, and hey, I'm a friendly guy, I appreciate the random IM every now and then. We chatted off and on through the summer, she was going to school in NC she thought my picture was "cute" and took it from there. I haven't heard from her in a while, I understand that, a year at school changes people, you make new friends, that you've seen face-to-face, you know.

But now, I've got a new creepy stalker (hi there c.s.) New creepy stalker found me through Blogger. There's a nifty little button on the top of these blogs ("Next Blog") that takes you to a random blog on the blogspot server. She hit next blog, my web log came up, she commented. Naturally curious, naive, and unsuspecting me sent an IM, just to be friendly (I'm a friendly guy).

we have a pleasant conversation (she's a comic book fan) and then she hits me with this:
ncs: I didn't know you were in boston!
me: um, it says that in my profile
ncs: where do you buy your comics? I work at the new england comics on harvard ave!
me: um
ncs: so, are you social?
me: social?
ncs: you know, do you live alone or with people? do you go out with friends?
ncs: because you seem like a semi-intelligent person, and I usually enjoy talking to people like that

I sort of missed having a stalker. Not.

recommended downloads:
Reliant K, I'm Lion-o


Donny said...

That's not a stalker.

We knew Soup-drinker Boy's schedule and hobbies. We were stalkers.

The girls knew cute-RA Rob's phone number and on-call schedule by heart and Jackie came with me on floor events because he was my RA. Those were stalkers.

In high school we would stake out bars, waiting for our bastard teacher, the director of SADD, to come out and stumble to his car. We were stalkers.

There is a man in my building, whose schedule I'm learning so I can avoid him. I will enter the other building and go through the basement before passing him in my lobby. I am an anti-stalker.

I don't think she's a stalker - just friendly. Remember, you're the West Campus Heart Breaker - it's unavoidable.

I wonder how many of the girls still remember his phone number.

Anonymous said...

Nice grammar improvements. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh man cute-RA Rob. i had forgotten about him. that cute fluffy hair, that long torso, those arms, gently slicing the waves apart as they would lift up and then dip back in as he swam. I used to be able to see him change into his bathing suit at the pool. and i would sit and watch. and wonder if he liked asian jewish freshmen. i will never forget those long legs of his. i loved him once, i swear.

adina is a stalker.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I have never been a stalker. I feel the need to remedy this immediately... but whom will I stalk?

I suppose I was a quasi-stalker once, but that wasn't even really a case of stalker-ness. I happened to discover that a cute barista worked at the Starbucks where I always studied... but I was already there, so I can't claim to have purposely gone out of my way to see him.

Then I dated him, which kind of erases any former stalker tendancies, huh?

Tom said...

dating does not erase stalker tendencies, dating is like the winning the stalker superbowl. can guys be baristas? I figured they'd be baristos or something.

and adina, I'm sure he liked asian jewish freshmen, he was just too shy to make his move.

Anonymous said...

Haha, well, to be honest--he spent a month before we actually started dating trying to figure out if I was interested or not (inviting me to go in a group to float the river, offering free coffe, etc), but the clues went right over my head and I kept turning him down (for GOOD REASONS, though he didn't know them). So by the time I figured that out, I had to ask him out--VERY nerve wracking.

Anonymous said...

you're just saying that to boost my self confidence.

it worked, of course.

i mean, just because i could see through the lie doesn't mean i won't accept it.

Johnny Sapphire said...

um, tom, HELLO?

your stalker READS YOUR BLOG.

and donny, you're kinda freakin me out, friend.

Donny said...

yeah, well it's too late to reneg on our friendship now, "friend".