Monday, February 14, 2005

a random collection of junk

A.) so I've been called twice by this recruiting firm. "we specialize in the placement of financial professionals like yourself" that kind. anyway, this guy calls me at 4:15 last friday. on my cell. "Hi Thomas, blah blah blah, resume, blah blah blah." and I'm like "um, yeah, what?" and he's all "is this a bad time?" and I'm like "yeah" and he's like "because you're at work?" and I'm like "yeah." you moron, you're looking at my resume. you know I'm a "financial professional" (which is debatable) of course I'm at work. idiot. 4:15 on a friday? did you think I'd be at lunch?

So then he calls this morning, at 9:30. what the hell buddy? first of all, I'm certainly not a "professional" anything, so why the hot pursuit? second of all, if I was at work during normal business hours on friday and it wasn't a good time, what the hell makes you think 9:30 monday morning is a good time!? I hung up on him.

2.) here are some things I want in a relationship.
I want to be the reason she smiles
I want to make her happy
I want to teach her something important
I want to learn something important

d.) speaking of girlfriends, and valentine's, I had a dream last night and you were in it. we were playing a drinking game, it was something like "Six shots to sex" or maybe seven. Basically you do a shot of tequila and for every shot you take off an article of the other person's clothing. you and I had a lot of fun. (haha, just kidding, you don't know who "you" is do you? you'll just have to wonder)

ok, that's all for now, if I've got some time I might post something about valentine's day later..


recommended download:
Sugarcult Champagne
Dropkick Murphy's Walk Away

1 comment:

Donny said...

Any chance he can professionally place you in Milwaukee?