Friday, February 25, 2005

I bought a digital camera (again...sort of)

ok. So maybe you read about the...difficulty... I had when purchasing a camera online. Maybe you figured, yeah, it probably is a better idea to go to a real live store, where they have the real live camera in stock, even if it means paying full price, since you'll walk in, pay the money, and have the camera in like four to six minutes, not like four to six weeks.

And, I'd have agreed with you.

So last night I go to [NAME OMITTED!]. I had called them from work. I said "do you have this camera in stock, in your store, right now?" and they said "yes, we'll hold it for you." When I arrived I stopped at customer service, they directed me to the digital camera section, they remembered me and had my camera, "here you go," they said, "let me ring you up right here," they said. So they did. Camera, a bajillion dollars. Warranty plan, sixty dollars. Movie, (since I was there anyway, why not grab a dvd), twenty dollars. Total, a bajillion and twenty dollars.

No problem, that is under my debit card's $500.oo limit. Swipe the card. Print the receipt. AND CRASH THE DAMN COMPUTER.
"I'm sorry, the transaction didn't go through. We'll have to run it again."
"ok, no problem, as long as I get my camera."


Because they swiped the card the card company now has a hold on that money. They can't swipe the card again for the same amount because that would put me over my five-hundred dollar limit, I can't pay with cash I don't carry that kind of money, I can't pay with a credit card I don't have, AND THEY WON'T GIVE ME MY CAMERA

"So let me get this straight guys; You charged my debit account for the camera, and the bank has now set that money aside. But, your computer system crashed, and is unable to verify that this transaction ever took place, so you won't be contacting the bank for that money. And, since you didn't get the money, even though it was your system that screwed it up, you're not going to give me the camera."
"that is correct."

What the hell man. Bank's closed, can't clear the hold, which is probably a 48 hour hold, so if you'd like to come back in two days you can get your camera then. Thanks but no thanks. I've now been in the store for an hour, digital camera section, customer service section, manager's office. Nothing.

Finally, finally, someone says "you could get a store credit card and purchase the camera with that, then pay the balance after the hold on your account clears." gee, now that's an idea. granted I don't want a credit card, and certainly don't want your credit card, but, I do want my camera. so fine.

I sign up for a card, which should take three mintues. it takes another half hour. fine. get the card. ring up the camera (and movie) pay for the camera and movie. leave the store.

But whatever, you know what? fine. whatever. I have the camera. and DON'T say "looks like the big guy upstairs doesn't want you to have this camera" or anything similar to that.


It is stupid www.[@#&$%^].com's fault and stupid [NAME OMITTED]'s fault. I mean seriously, it you're a store that sells digital equipment and computers shouldn't you have a computer system that, you know, works? Yes. You should. Idiots.

ok, done. I now refer you to my earlier post: I bought a digital camera!


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