Tuesday, February 22, 2005

...and tired

I know I'm different when I'm tired. But I hope to avoid being labeled. "oh, he's mean, he must be tired." I hope to avoid the obvious conclusion that based on the way I act, I missed a good night's sleep. I hope that I have the control to pull that off; that I can recognize that I'm not at my best, and make up the difference through force of will. And man, am I tired today.

Three-day weekend, and it's school vacation week. I woke up today and I didn't even know what year it was. I wasn't sure if I had to get up and go to work, get up and shovel out the elderly neighbors, or remind myself to stop setting the alarm, because it's february vacation. There are two things keeping me from quitting right now: I want to buy a car, and to do that I need more money; and I'm going to Rome in like, two weeks. Though, if Rome isn't a relaxing, reinvigorating, rejuventating vacation, then I'm definitely quitting sooner.

I'm more negative when I'm tired. My thoughts take a pessimistic slant, and I'm more apt to be angry and short tempered with others. I'm sullen. Usually, after a few waking hours I recover pretty well; I stop staring silently at the walls, I start moving again, I start speaking. Tonight, I'm going to bed at ten.


recommended downloads:
Oasis, Hello
Lucky Boys Confusion, Atari

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