Wednesday, January 26, 2005

September Grass

Why I love music? because when I leave work late (again) because the PAs booked trades wrong (again) and I missed talking to the girl (again) and when I'm generally not as effervescent as I normally am and then I get stuck behind the two most annoying girls in the office (you know them, the ones that collect a dollar for wearing jeans on "casual friday" and order the pizzas for big meetings) walking slooooowly and bitching about snow accumulation that's when the opening chords of James Taylor's September Grass just take me to a whole new place. Away from the drudgery. so, Thanks, music. I appreciate it.


oh, on an unrelated topic, I had a 24 oz. bottle of Pepsi today at lunch, and just opened a 12 oz. can of Pepsi right now. That's more Pepsi I've had in one day than since before those crazy bears danced through Main Street in the Superbowl commercial.

1 comment:

Tom said...

rereading this I think "Why I love music?" is either supposed to be "Why do I love music?" or "Why I love music:"
