Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Did you lose the monkey?

So, it's snowing again [aside: woohoo!!] but the commute in to work was a piece of cake. Because after 3 feet of snow monday, 3 inches on wednesday is nothing.

I get in to work. I tie out my funds, and Jonathan is on the phone. Here is an excerpt that I almost laughed out loud at:

J: "So the cars are stopped, the bus is there and I'm like halfway in the middle of the street. And this guy keeps going. You know? Clearly I'm trying to get on this bus. So I slammed my hand on the back of his car as he drove by. I was wearing my glove so no real damage. But I wanted to pull him out of his car and beat the shit out of him like I do in my game."

GTA is redefining an entire generation.
Ok, just wanted to share that.


recommended download:
Fountains of Wayne, Radiation Vibe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you ever get hockey tickets for this weekend??