Wednesday, December 22, 2004

things I love

I've tried six times to start this list. I can't get it right. Because I'm at work.
I am in no mood to be serious, or, at this point, even facetious.
Therefore instead I am presenting a selfish list of things I want
I want a different job.
I want to buy a new car.
I want the financial and temporal freedom to travel the country.
The first two might get me the third.
I want my own apartment, but I'm willing to wait.
I want to write a book.
I want people to like me.
I want people to want me around.
I want a winter break, like old times.
I want "old times" to not mean "last year in college."
I want people to call me on my phone just to say hi.
I want someone to ask for my number
so they can call me on my phone just to say hi.
I want everyone who I've known in college to know how much your friendship means to me.
It means a lot.
I want a puppy. But not before I have an apt. to keep him in.
I want to not have to manually update 17 rates every Wednesday.
I want my bedroom to be clean, without having to clean it.
I want more guitar lessons.
I want another role model.
I want to grow up without ever having to grow up.
I want I want I want to be happy
but more than that
I want you to be happy, and I want to help get you there.


recommended downloads: Queen, Fat-Bottomed Girls and Brian Webb, Tobias

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