Wednesday, December 08, 2004

An Office Christmas List

1. a more reliable stapler

2. less email traffic

3. a longer lunch hour

4. a rock soundtrack

5. credit, where credit is due

6. caller id

7. responsibility

8. casual thursday

9. a smile from the pretty girl/guy who sits near the printer

10. a ping-pong table in the breakroom

11. a breakroom

12. paddles for the ping-pong table

13. microwave lunches that don't "cuis-suck"

14. later start

15. earlier quittin' time

16. a raise

17. a thank you

18. back

19. heat

20. or at least jack daniels

recommended downoads:
Bruce Springsteen, Santa Claus Is Comin To Town
Fountains Of Wayne, I Want An Alien For Christmas
Steve Martin & Paul Simon, Silver Bells
Veggie Tales, Feliz Navidad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

things I want for Hannukah:

Better sense of what people want for the holidays.

Overtime pay (because i always work more than 40 hours a week).

A less workaholic attitude.

A vacation NOT in Kansas.

Free lunches (oh wait I get that).

All my friends in Philadelphia.

More time to hang out with my bus buddies.

For dan's law school to burn down so I can hang out with my boyfriend again.

To NOT get carpal tunnel syndrome.

Caller ID (good one tom).

A master's degree.

dulche de leche ice cream.

~ adina