Thursday, December 02, 2004

Holiday Bash

Well, the big news today is: Holiday Party! That's right, we here at wherever the hell it is I work have been invited out to a local liquor establishment to celebrate the holidays with good spirits and alcoholic spirits. I assume management thinks it's a good idea, a good morale boost, I think I would probably think that too, were I in a management role. There will be prizes and raffles, I'm hoping to score a new mousepad in the wet t-shirt contest, or maybe get lucky and win a pocket calculator.

Now, it's not that I don't want to attend this little fiesta, they have gone to all the trouble of reserving an entire bar for the group, but I've only been here two months. The only people who talk to me have cubicles adjacent to mine. I haven't said one word to anyone else on the floor except for responding to "I think the printer is out of toner" with "Yeah." so how much fun is this holiday party really going to be?

I don't quite know what to expect, but I've got some guesses
1. really really really really lame: I was kidding about the mousepad and pocket calculator before, but what if it's not a joke?

2. only a little lame: Arrive at 6:30, get a drink from the bar, stand around thinking "This beer cost me five bucks, I could have saved that money for coffee tomorrow." or "It might be nice to see some people who aren't thirty-seven and married with two kids here." or, what I think on a daily basis anyway "what am I doing here?"

3. really awesome (To be honest, I don't think this is too likely): None of the thirty-somethings show, the bar is populated by people my own age, who just started at the company, and nobody knows anybody, so everyone is talking to everyone else. The only difference between this and any college bar in Allston is we're not in Allston, and everyone's dressed business casual, because we just came from work.

There may be other possibilities, funny ones, dreadful ones, boring possibilities, but I don't want to let my mind wander too far, lest I be dissapointed (or right).

So, thoughts: Go to the party? Don't go to the party? ... Get smashed? Have a drink wait for the raffle, and leave? ... Throw caution to the wind, ask out all the girls at the party, even the attractive-but-older managers, and hope your anonymity keeps you safe tomorrow?

I just don't know.

recommended download: the Gummi Bears theme song

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,

I do so comment. Even though today has been my first real day of Stress, I am commenting.

At least you have a real holiday party. My company is giving us food on a Friday during work. Woo, party in the lobby. And no drinking!

Whatever happened to that chick you emailed? I did tell you some people I knew who worked there so find them and enjoy the free alcohol.
