Monday, December 27, 2004

The Days Are Just Packed

I am planning a trip. Sort of.

Christmas day has come and gone, aparently it brough the Seinfeld dvd to Jonathan and now he won't shut up about it. Jonathan, if you're reading this, shut up about it. Thanks. Argh. I've lost my train of thought now. Oh, right, the trip...

So I'm going to Rome. Billy (age 10) was admitted to the Boston Boys Choir School (maybe you've heard of it, they're pretty good) this September. The choir is so good that they have been invited to sing for the Pope. (wow). So, the 62 student school is winging to the Vatican in March, and offering a tag-a-long trip for parents and siblings. I'm pretty excited. This will mark the second time I get to use my passport to leave the country. And the first time I've travelled far enough away that they speak a different languge where I'm going. But...!

I am also planning a trip to...I don't really know. Someplace domestic. At this moment I am being pressured to trip to Austin (btw, I just saw Road Trip and they had a good time driving to Austin...) to which I will either a) fly (if I'm going before August) or b) drive (if I have a car by whenever) but other destinations may include: Milwaukee, because it's a happening town, and they've got lots of beer; San Diego, because I've been told its the most beautiful place on earth; or Colorado, because they've got pretty good skiing and snowboarding, I'll have to get my own board first.

In the meantime I'm here in Boston (where we got eight inches of snow!) and working to save up some money to spend on a car and/or a plane ticket. So, readers, make your case, why is your city the best destination? :)


recommended download:
Dynamite Hack, Bring It On


Johnny Sapphire said...


Anonymous said...

Well, you should know that while Road Trip gives you a few good shots of the city, I'm still searching for that dorm on campus. If I ever find it, I'm moving in. Hee. Also, the campus lacks that much grass... it's mostly concrete. And a few albino squirrels. And lots of normal squirrels and pigeons. And a few albino pigeons.

Moving on.

You should come to Austin for the following reasons:

- Guero's, Trudy's, Chuy's, Juan in a Million, Taco Cabana (mexican food eateries. Guero's is President Clinton's favorite)

- Kerbey Lane, Taco Cabana (so it has two categories), Katz's Deli (drunk food that's always open, ranging from a diner-type to breakfast tacos to a kosher deli that "Never Kloses")

- Floating the Guadalupe. You sit on your ass in a tube, drink beer, chill with friends, and float lazily down a river all day long.

- The Greenbelt. You hike or bike, preferably with a dog to keep you company, and can randomly stop for a swim in the creek here and there.

- Unplugged at the Grove. During the summers, Shady Grove (local restaurant) does an acoustic free concert every Thursday night, featuring local musicians.

- Live music. We're the live music capitol of the world. Blues, jazz, punk, rock, whatever you want, it'll be playing somewhere in the city whenever you want to hear it.

- Sixth Street. $2 wells most Fridays and Saturdays, 25 cent wells at one bar on Sundays... there is always revelry abounding.

- Barton Springs. An entirely natural, spring fed pool that stays a cool 68 degrees year round.

If I think of more, I'll add them.

Tom said...

ok, albino squirrels and pigeons, sounds like a bad band name, or a worse supervillian name. And actually the shots of the city looked a lot like pictures I've seen online. What's with the capital building wanting to be the biggest and tallest in the city? You know what that prevents? skyscrapers that give you a cool looking skyline. Boston gets it, we set the capital builiding up on a hill with the gorgeous boston common and public garden in front of it, it's a lovely looking area, and we are still allowed crazy looking buildings that give the skyline a personality. So Austin, get crackin on that tall building buidin'

Also, seems like there's lots to do (read: lots to eat) in Austin. that's great, I love eating. and drinking beer is a good time floating or not :) And who doesn't like music.

But the imoportant question...are the girls pretty in austin? (I've heard they are, and I've even seen a picture of an austinian, but is it a good idea to judge the population based on a sample size of one?)

yours trudy,


Anonymous said...

Well, Playboy ranked UT #1 for the prettiest girls in the country a few years back. Will that work for evidence?