Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dates and Times and Things

So, I'm not so good with dates and times, or really, remembering in general. Earlier today I was asked by my friend Dave if I had any plans for New Year's Eve. I said no...until about three seconds later when it occurred to me the reason I haven't made plans is because I'll be at my cousin's wedding for the weekend. That's right, I forgot my cousin's wedding. Then I couldn't remember when my friend Erika's skating competition was last night or tomorrow night. I asked her how it went anyway (I guessed right, last night), but the point is I didn't remember.

Unless it's important. It's not that I don't have a memory, or that I have a bad memory, or that I just have trouble with times and's just that I remember two types of things
1. really important stuff - for example: The Matrix Revolutions opened May 5th, 2003 (and a day earlier in Japan)

and 2. really irrelevant stuff - for example: I know that my brother Billy was born at 8:16 PM. Why would I need to know that?

And that's it, as far as dates and times go. My memory works great with numbers that don't mean stuff (mostly). Like ask me to remember a seven digit number you just made up, no problem. I can sometimes use the same trick to remember phone numbers. Ask me to list Pi to eleven decimal places, I could do it. Ask me what my highest scoring combo ever in Tony Hawk was, I can tell you (1,041,268 pts). But I'm going to forget your wedding date, or your birthday (ok, really, I never remembered it in the first place, so I can't forget it), or an anniversary of something that doesn't directly affect me. I used to joke that I had a girlfriend for that sort of thing. Turns out it wasn't a joke, I need somebody to run my calendar, otherwise I'd be sitting at home Jan. 1st playing video games not knowing I'm missing the start of the new year and my cousin's wedding at the same time. Thank goodness I'm good looking. At least I've got that going for me.



recommended downloads:

Bowling For Soup, Punk Rock 101
Lucky Boys Confusion, Medicine And Gasoline
Good Charlotte, My Bloody Valentine
Everclear, Like A California King


Anonymous said...

If you're still downloading songs, check out Belle & Sebastian's "Your Cover's Blown." It's currently my favorite.

Also, keep me updated on what city you're visiting. Perhaps I can meet you there.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it was May 5? For some reason, I remember being dragged to the theatre on my birthday (still hungover from going out at midnight, as it was my 21st) to see that.

And they were doing contest and stuff, which makes me think it was opening night or something.

Color me confused. Off to abuse Google...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I want some of what you're smoking.

The Matrix Reloaded opened on May 15, 2003 (OK, so we must've seen an 11 PM showing (CST) or something).

Revolutions was November 5.

Yay, Google!

Tom said...

yes. you are def. correct. thus proving my point.
I'm no good with dates.
the point is I now have the ultimate matrix collection, so I won't ever have to worry about it again.