Wednesday, December 01, 2004


I was under the impression that my cough is a hold-over from my recent run-in with the common cold virus. Aparently, it sounds much worse than that to other people.
I have been here at the office for about an hour and a half, and three separate people, none who had spoken to me to this point, interrupted a bout of coughing to offer me some cough drops or some water or the heimlich. One of the admin assistants by the bloomberg terminal said "no, really, I have cough drops, you can have one." as if first, she may have been teasing me with made-up cough drops, and second, she had real cough drops but doesn't just hand them out like candy to just anyone. I assured her I wasn't dying, did not have whooping cough, was not contagious, and could handle it on my own, thank you very much.

And it's not even that bad. Twice today -that's it, just two bouts of emphysema-like coughing fits, that happened to occur while other people were around. Otherwise I've been fine. Totally cool. Just thinking, yeah, it's from that cold I had over the weekend, and about paying my student loans. I think that's the true test of how serious this cough is...can it distract me from my imminent student loan payment? If so maybe I'll get a second opinion. But until then, I'm fine, thank you for offering cough drops, I'll work through it.

recommended download:
Green Day, Sasafrass Roots


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. Take the friggin cough drop. For Chrissake.