Tuesday, November 30, 2004


well, today cg has her whole group tied up in looking for a christmas gift for her mom online...it has to be some specific color, and specific style, because her mom already told her what she wanted. None of them are getting any work done, just cruising the internet (meanwhile something has gone horribly wrong with two of my funds)

Bringing me to a problem that is larger than our own little cubeville: What's this about asking for a specific item for christmas? Isn't it the season of giving? Shouldn't you shut the hell up about about what you want and accept graciously anything anyone chooses to give to you? Yes.

I understand some people asking "what would you like for christmas?" I get it, people have asked me that question. I'm not saying don't answer the question, "I'd like a sweater." or "You can't go wrong with a Tony Hawk video game." But my point is this: If you have an item already selected, already picked out in your head, the exact item, no imitations, no knock-offs, no similar styles, but the one-and-only item then go buy it yourself for crying out loud! Why don't you just suck all the joy out of giving by providing store locations and barcodes for us? Why not just take down my credit card number and call your local Abercrombie/Kmart/Aldo/Crate&Barrel/Old Navy and order that thing you want in the specific size color pattern and flavor you've already decided would make you happiest? I'll tell you why. Because my credit card is maxed out. Ha. So there. So go on, tell me whatever it is you want to pretend I took time to pick out for you so you can feel fufilled this holiday. And then get ready to suck on a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift certificate in a home-made construction paper and crayon christmas card.

Merry Frickin Holidays.

oh yeah, recommended download: Pearl Jam, Once


Anonymous said...

Eat, don't die?

Sometimes I am baffled by the conversations my livejournal inspires...

Anonymous said...

I read the bit about Aldo and laughed. What a great shoe store (although the online shopping - not spectacular). Lately though I've been shopping more and more at Nine West (now there's great online shopping) and less and less at Aldo.

PS - Whatever happened with Dad's friend's daughter's friend or however that worked? Better than CG? I wonder how we're supposed to meet people now that we're out of college.

PPS - I'm all for a road trip, say next summer perhaps? I want to get a MINI but I don't think that'd be the best for cross-country treks. You never know though, the claustrophobia could be fun.
keep on truckin'
:-) Kat

Anonymous said...


I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Misery. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a baby by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at http://www.100mostoriginalgiftideas.com but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

I am a writer and I research gift ideas for e-books on original gift ideas for Christmas and other events like Valentine's, Easter etc. I also organize gift ideas per receiver, like for babies, for kids, for teens, for grandparents, for dog lovers, for him, for her, etc Or I organize them by category like romantic gifts and inexpensive gifts. In my research I also go through blogs that mention gifts and gift ideas or events like Christmas. That is how I came upon your blog this post. I would appreciate if you would share just one successful gift idea with me, for instance a Christmas gift for a dad. I hope that my question doesn't annoy you. And I apologize if it does. I thought if I'd just ask enough people I'd wind up with plenty of good ideas to share with others again. That is what networking is all about, right? Or let's call it the spirit of Christmas. Let me know if I can do something for you. You can find my free e-books with gift ideas here: http://www.100mostoriginalgiftideas.com. God bless.

Chevalier Blanc