Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Today cg is chatting and laughing on the phone, wearing a sunshine yellow-on-yellow striped top and black pants with the black heels. She looks good, but today, I look better. With my straight blue, white buttoned shirt, and cream-colored flat-front khakis (black shoes, black belt) I am styling.

The mood here seems to be relaxed and excited for the holiday (Thanksgiving) because we don't expect much work today, a whole day off tomorrow, and a short day friday (since the market closes early)'s almost, but not quite a three day workweek, but we're feeling like it is just the same.

recent income proof news: yesterday one of my funds had a problem, and when we went to check my old income log backup printouts we couldn't find any from the 15th. I'd lost the income logs for not just the fund with the problem, but all my funds, for the 15th. It was a little disconcerting, a little frustrating, but most of all surprising, since I'm actually pretty good at remembering where I put things (fyi, the income logs get put in my desk, it's not like they'd go wandering off). However, today I found them, all of them, and we're cool. Except the problem we were trying to trace to the 15th didn't appear there, so I didn't really need the income log for that day -ha.

To sum up: my recent news about the world of mutual funds is boring, because my job is boring. Thank goodness cg is here for me to observe (and for you to read about) or we'd all be asleep most of the time -not that that's a bad thing, it' just I think they'd fire me if I slept at my desk 4 hours a day- :)
quote: "It depends on your definition of asleep. They were not stretched out. They had their eyes closed. They were seated at their desks with their heads in a nodding position." -John Hogan, Commonwealth Edison Supervisor of News Information, responding to a charge by a Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspector that two Dresden Nuclear Plant operators were sleeping on the job.

recommended downloads: Bob Dylan, Don't Think Twice, and Phil Ochs, Here's To The Land Of Richard Nixon


Anonymous said...

Also stuck at work today with little work to do. Found a great website that has some old school games in a virtual version. Check it out (as long as your boss is out):
(Under "community" click on NDtoday games)

Tom said...

hey, anon, would you mind signing your posts. it's not that I don't like secret admirers, it's just I gave credit to feleesh for your post, and thereby confused her. so give us the name giles, give us the name.