Thursday, January 21, 2010


I really would have done a better job on this, but for have been subjected to multiple reruns of that show about the orange shiny people and have lost a significant amount of cognitive function. The point is, Culchie's trilogy diagram was a little bit off, so I changed a few ratings.

I changed Indiana, Matrix, Jurassic, Spiderman, Die Hard, Blade, and Terminator

Oh my God I seriously cannot function. This show is the worst thing I have ever been exposed to. I apologize for the low quality of this post. And the graphic. I really feel like my brain is bleeding out of my ears.


Darren said...

Well, I'd agree with your estimations more than the original. :)

Donny said...

I have a hard time thinking of some of those movies as part of trilogies, because they were actually part of a larger series. I also have a hard time with the ones that are blatant attempts at getting money from rushed sequels.