Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Big News!

My collarbone is mostly healed. (roughly 67% now).

Still no sporting activities, until it's completely healed, but then, it's like you'll never know it was broken, except for the giant hideous lump.

Oh, also, I'd like to apologize for disappointing the residents of Tempe, Arizona, I will not being moving out to your desert community anytime soon, as our realtor just called to inform us that the sellers have agreed to our offer on a house here in the great Northeast.

But don't despair overmuch, Tempe, you're still in the top three retirement cities. Thirty-years isn't too long to wait.



jackie said...

congratulations!! Good luck, I hope everything works out. Steve and I are buying a house in B'more. We're supposed to go to closing on Tuesday...everything seems ok but i'm still keeping my fingers crossed!!

mance01 said...

Wow, congrats Jackie! Adina's buying too...Houses all around! :)

Donny said...

The country can't afford all of these tax credits!