Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've received numerous (one) complaints regarding the previous post.
Calling the post lazy, boring, tedious, un-original, and slap-dash I have been instructed by multiple readers (two) to post something else "for the love of all that is holy I can't take that accordian anymore!")

So, to honor their request to knock the youtube accordian post off the top of the page, I'm replacing it with the following youtube videos which are, by turns, awesome, hilarious, enlightening, trivial, and watchable.

First up, for the history buffs! Winston Churchill's Great Declaration speech (re-mixed, what!?)

Next! More history! Martin Luther King Jr. and I Have A Dream (re-mix)

There are a bunch of these, including remixing cable pundits and the 2008 presidential and vice presidential debates.

Blame Mental Floss for turning me on to these guys. And for those anit-youtubers out there, take heart. My next post will probably not contain video.




mance01 said...

I really like the "I have a dream" thing. I think everybody should sing all the time.

Timmy said...

First Video - NERD ALERT!

Second Video - I'm surprised that's not an actual rap song by now