Friday, March 06, 2009

Nerd Alert!

To: tom@work
From: Sam@home

Is it wrong that I just entered a sweepstakes to go to the premiere of the new Star Trek movie? And if so, is it more wrong that I referred you and 4 of my other friends to enter so that I would get an extra 5 entries into the contest?

woot star trek!

What's the Klingon for "nerd?" Oh, nevermind, I'll just ask Sam...



mance01 said...

I hate you. :-p

Donny said...

Wait a minute. We're not going to have to dress up as Star Wars characters for your wedding or something like that are we?

Timmy said...

the sad thing is, a star wars themed wedding wouldn't be a surprise.

Tom said...

Great idea, casting as follows:
debleted: Widget, the Ewok
Jimmy: Yoda
Donny: Darth Vader
Adina: Chewbacca
John: Grand Moff Tarkin
-Han Solo
-Han Solo (stormtrooper armor)
-Han Solo (carbonite)

Miss Lindsay Mak said...

Donny: Sam is excited about Star TREK, not Star WARS. TOTALLY different fandom.... though they do tend to have a large overlap. That said, maybe Sam is in the percentage that only likes one of the two.

Tom: Does it comfort you to know that I am also going to be seeing Star Trek when it comes out with lovable nerd-face?

Donny said...

Yeah, I know the difference between the franchises. I just wanted to see who would be the most upset over mixing them up. And I think we found out who wears her hair as cinnamon rolls around her ears when nobody's around.

Timmy said...

I was originally annoyed to be an ewok, but I thought about it and ewoks are totally awesome. Additionally, I'm not sure Jimmy could be a good yoda, he can't do crazy backflips and fight (or hold) a light-saber yet.

mance01 said...

Jimmy can hang upside down though. That's like half a flip, right? And unfortunately Lindsay I like both the "Star" franchises...although I prefer Star Trek. The new movie looks awesome.