Monday, March 23, 2009

Al Gore Ruined The Economy...On Purpose

Al Gore ruined the economy! It was his master plan all along! The Oscar-winning documentary was just a distraction!

When the economy slows down, two things happen. First, less carbon is emitted. Nobody likes to say this in polite company, but a global economic near-depression is probably the single best "program" one could imagine for curtailing carbon emissions. Vehicle miles traveled are down in the United States in spite of significantly cheaper gas prices; industrial production has slowed; China and India are not increasing their carbon usage as fast as anticipated. (link)

Al Gore is a genius.

I'd still vote him into office even now, after he's tipped his hand on his ultimate plan for the economy:

The first rule about cap-and-tax laws is you do not talk about cap-and-tax laws in an election year!


1 comment:

Donny said...

My Sunday paper had a nice article about how landfill waste is down 30% in some areas. They account for some of this because people are fixing things instead of throwing them away! Have these "fixers" never read Brave New World!?! We need consumers, not conservers!