Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Books I Love To Hate And The People That Love Them

GAH. My manager and the new girl are talking about books they love.

"What was it? Five People You Meet In Heaven! Yeah, I love that."

"Yep, that was good."

"But nothing beats Tuesdays With Morrie."

Augh. The left side of brain my just shut down. I'm typing with my left hand now. Induced stroke. Are my ears bleeding?

"And OH! The DaVinci Code! Remember that one! I'll have to bring in some books for you to borrow."

Help help help help...Whew. Ok, I found my headphones. Can't hear them anymore. Wow that was close.

Oh, also, has anyone read Infinite Jest? Opinions?



e$ said...

I'm totally with you on most of that, but I have to say that I found DaVinci Code very entertaining. It's like something you'd give an 8-year old who's just getting into "chapter books", except it's longer and for grown-ups and requires almost no attention span.

Tom said...

I did read DaVinci Code, though I liked Angels and Demons a bit more (save the last two chapters), what I hate is the hype. This is the book everyone's read? This? There are so many other greater awesomer books. I'm not saying don't read the DaVinci Code, I'm saying don't hold that up as an example of great literature.

Johnny Sapphire said...

"And then I stabbed them with a letter opener and stapled their ties to their faces before kicking them square in the nuts."

The end.