Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Craziest Thing I've Never Done (But It's On My List)

I took yesterday off - because it's Patriot's Day here in Massachusetts, and that's what you do: Take the day off, drink beer, and cheer for the marathon runners - or, if you're me, and crazy - wake up at 4AM, drive to Lexington, and watch the re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Which is all well in its patriotly goodness, but, my abscence has convinced a few of the folks I work with that I was not, in fact, home watching the Red Sox beat the snot out of the Texas Rangers, but instead, was running, voluntarily, 26 miles through the streets of Greater Boston.

"Hey, Tom, did you run the marathon yesterday?"

What? No.

"You ran it, didn't you? That's why you were out?"

Do I look like I ran a marathon yesterday? Do I look like I could have run a marathon yesterday?

"How did you finish? What was your time? - I'm looking your name up online right now."

Ok, you won't find me. I didn't run.

"Come on, just tell me."

I'm not going to lie and say I ran it when I didn't.

"I would. You look like you could have run it. I'd say 'no' if you were like two-fifty, but you're not."

Dude, seriously, I didn't run the marathon.

So...anyobody know anyone who did run? I'm looking for an official number. I'll come in tomorrow and discreetly hang it up in my cubicle.



Stacey said...

How did you like the reenactment? I grew up in good ol' L-town, so I watched that thing a thousand times as a kid. Hell - I was even IN it when I was around 5. :)

Tom said...

We go every year, my favorite part is "Captain Parker! Captain Parker!" mostly because it's the only part I can hear. Great way to kick off Patriot's Day.

Anonymous said...

damn it. i ran it, but i wrote my name on my bib number. but i'm sure you could use some creative cursive and change "jayne"into "tom," right?

Tom said...

He just came up to me and said

"Hey, man, you're recovering ok from the marathon? Legs doing alright? You should hang your number in your cube."


mance01 said...

I think he loves you.


craziasian said...

wait i thought you DID run the marathon. with those legs, why wouldn't you?