Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Slugging Percentage

We played again last night. We lost. Our softball team is now 0-3 on the season (0-2 in games I've played).

I attribute this, mostly, to other teams in the league being vastly superior to our team. Also, yesterday, a bunch of jackasses showed up to play.

The problem with fielding a company team is that the company, personified by the team captain, is obligated to make an open call for players, and can't cut anyone.

People who like softball and want to have fun show up.

People who are good at softball and want to win show up.

People who think they're good at softball and are jackasses show up.

I hate that third group.

Apparently, during the first game, one of the jackasses walked from his position in right field to the pitchers mound, and took the ball from the pitcher. Took it out of his glove. "I'm pitching now" was the unspoken statement.

He proceded to walk three batters in a row, let up two singles, and walk two more batters.

He was one of the three jackasses to show up at last night's game. He insisted on playing first, and insisted on batting clean up. He went 0-2 with two errors on easy ground balls.

Now, as I was properly raised to respect authority, I defer to the team captain on batting order and positioning. I can't help it if the captain's a pushover, or just a nice guy who doesn't like confrontation.

It's one thing to be a jackass who hits (Bonds, Jeter, etc) and in that case I don't have a problem with him hitting cleanup, but, if you can't hit you should absolutely be punished an extra spot or two in the lineup for being a jackass.

The game went five innings, we lost by the slaughter rule, I had one at bat and struck out swinging on five pitches.

I also played right field for three innings and fielded three grounders cleanly, caught a long fly to end the third, and almost caught a long, high, foul ball to end the second (it was hit out of play to the bushes and I missed it by about four inches).

I played first base for two innings and was involved in two routine infield outs.

Second game:
Batting: 0-1, 1K,
Fielding: RF, 1B, no errors



mance01 said...

What does 1B stand for?

Tom said...

First base.


(and in our league's case RCF)

Cope said...

What league are you playing in? It sounds a lot like my team, minus the company part.

Tom said...

For anonymity's sake, I won't publish the name of the league, the team, or the fields we play at here, but send me an email and I'll let you know.

Donny said...

Who's anonymity? And why does he/she care if you post about the league?

Also, did you see they way that Adina used "decolletage" in her post today?

Tom said...

Main Entry: an·o·nym·i·ty
Pronunciation: "a-n&-'ni-m&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being anonymous
2 : one that is anonymous

No, I haven't seen Adina's post. Blogger isn't good about talking to Google Reader, and I regularly see posts three to four hours after they've been published.


eileen said...

Gosh, I can't believe some chump tried to pull rank on the pitcher. What a douchebag face.