Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Here there be monsters

I've run out of things to read on the internet.

Now that my lines of communication have been cut, and presented with no medium for real-time give-and-take, I am left to seeking, forced into an observer's role.

Me and my little row boat (online surfboard?), so recently tied to shore with my IM/email tether, have been cast adrift. I can do nothing more than stand up in my boat, pick a direction, and then train my binoculars on the distant shore in front of me. I can see people interacting, I can react to their antics, but I cannot interact.

RSS and Atom are my binoculars, boston.com articles, kottke.org links, google news headlines, blog feeds, these are the things I view.

But I've gotten really good at looking through the binoculars. I've seen all I can see looking in the same old directions, to the same old blogs. I need to know what else is out there, where should I point my looking glass? I need content to at least keep me stimulated while I'm stuck here on my surfboard, before I paddle back in to shore at the end of the day.

Who updates a lot? Who is interesting? Who will keep me entertained?

Somebody throw me a lifeline here.


recommended download:
Bob Schneider, Orlando

1 comment:

mance01 said...

No joke. It's like no one updates anymore. At least not with any appreciable speed or regularity (I'm one to talk.)

I was so bored I had to go home and watch Star Trek. :-p