Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Man without a country (or printer, or manager, or anything)

I didn't get fired today for leaving work early yesterday.

I guess that's a positive.

It was Dec. 26th. Who has to work on the day after Christmas? There were only like three people in the office anyway, I had nothing to do (even less than my usual amount of nothing), and, I'm pretty sure I don't have a manager.

My new manager, Sandra, may not be my manager. Or maybe she is, but not for long. Or something like that.

Insolent Bob told me last week that Sandra won't be my manager anymore because she's taking over the European cash group. Ok, good for her. But what does that mean for me? Insolent Bob thinks it means he's getting a promotion.

I would quit on the spot.

It's not like I haven't had a manager before. Back when my lazy manager was my manager I'd go days without seeing or hearing from him. I liked it. The real problem now, with the non-existent manager, is that I don't know who I need approval from to take vacation time.

Which is a real sticking point when you've got plane tickets to buy.

It goes something like this:

  • lazy manager doesn't do anything, then gets a new job in IT

  • lazy manager manages to stick around in his lazy manager capacity for three months after getting a new job

  • new manager, Sandra, comes on board, lazy manager starts paying attention to my work

  • Insolent Bob says Sandra's leaving and he's taking over

If it's not Insolent Bob, the other possibilities are:

  • lazy manager steps back into his role as lazy manager and never actually takes that new job he got four months ago

  • they bring in a new guy

  • they merge my group with an existing group

And who knows what will happen. It's not like there's any sort of communication in this place. Case in point: they moved the printers and didn't tell anybody. I've been sending documents into the ether for a week and have nothing to show for it.

I don't have a manager. I don't have a printer. I don't have approval for the vacation time I'm taking in February.

But I'm buying my plane tickets anyway.


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