Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A message from beyond

AUGH! Tiffany, with whom I share both a current and former employer, just forwarded an email she received from none other than... the stupid kid. It seems quitting my job was not enough:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Digits

Hi Tiffany,

What’s up? Are you enjoying your new job? I hope you like it better than here. Monday was the worst day ever because it was the first day of a split month end. It really sucked. It would have been a lot easier on all of us if you and Tom were still here. Why did you guys have to leave?

Anyway, I hope you had a good 4th of July and didn’t lose any fingers or other appendages due to firework misshapes. Bye bye.


"Stupid" is a permanent condition.


mance01 said...

hahaha. that is beautiful. He really misses you. Did you not give him your new email address before you left??? You're not making this whole stalking thing easy on him. I guess he'll just have to try harder.

Also, don't be mean to him...he's just concerned about you guys. You know you gotta watch out for those mis-shapen fireworks. Extra risky.

You know you can't fix stupid. :-p

Tom said...

My reply to the forward went something like this:

Tiffany, please, please, PLEASE, do NOT give him my email address, thanks.


Johnny Sapphire said...


You know he only emailed her so that he could find you. He luuuurves you.

Donny said...

I know the movie reference, John! I also know that you lurve Annie Hall.