Monday, June 26, 2006

In the corner pocket

Friday was my first night out with this new office gang. You may remember some of the stories about drinking with the old office gang. All of those stories were about how much I hated them.

This story is a little different. First, everyone shows up, the whole office, and after about an hour the group starts to break up.

At the old place this meant the old married people would go home, the young single people would go home, and the old single people would stay to get hammered and try to hook up. Watching drunken thirty-somethings groping each other in public is not my idea of a good time.

Here though, at the new place, after about an hour it was the old married people and the old single people that left, and all the young people stayed.

Doesn't that make more sense? Yes. It does.

So we played pool, all of us in the same age group, and not for money because it turns out one of my coworkers and his fiance are pool sharks and could beat everyone else even while one-handed, drunk, and blind-folded. Nevertheless, it was fun to play. I'm pretty sure I was holding my own until about the sixth Johnny Walker.

And when I say "holding my own" I mean I lost two games for every win, and that's not counting the three I lost scratching on the break. And when I say "sixth" I mean "I think it was the sixth, but I lost count about the same time."

Right, that's another thing, is drinking Johnny Walker really a big deal? I was the only guy at the bar who wasn't drinking drafts which elicited a few questions:

"What are you drinking?" they would say.
"Johnny Walker" I would say, or "Whiskey"
and they would say

Really? Big deal? I drink it because I like the taste. I wasn't drinking it straight, I wasn't throwing it down one-after-the-other. Is there something I should know?

Anyway, after about the sixth or so I stopped making quite as many shots and also stopped caring about the game.

Then later I went home. It was a late night, I think, but it was a lot of fun.

I had intended this post to be more substantial, I don't know what happened...


recommended download
J.G. Thirwell, The Venture Bros. Closing Theme (available at


Donny said...

My coworkers gave me funny looks the other night when I asked to do shots of whiskey instead of Yeager-bombs, which was everyone else's drink of choice.

Tom said...

Who does their marketing? Why is Jager the drink of choice? I've seen townie bars empty three bottles on a slow night. They make multi-bottle dispensers!

I don't know how it happened, but that's the advertising firm I'm hiring if I ever need to establish market dominance.

Anonymous said...

I think having "meister" in the title makes anyting more popular.

Donny said...

That's how you spell it? I went to school with a kid with the last name Yeager. I've been misled.

mance01 said...

I agree with Jackie. Also, the word "bomb" in the name of an alcoholic drink is pretty much a guaranteed farewell to sobriety. And who doesn't like that?

Well, I don't. Cause Jager-bombs taste like Robitussin. yuck. Car bombs on the other hand. :)