Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Very Merry Un-Birthday To Me

Two hundred and eighty-two. That is the number of months it has been since I was born. That seems like an awfully long time.

In years: twenty-three and one half years.

Today is my half-birthday.

I don’t know how to celebrate. I probably won’t go out and get drunk, I probably won’t stay in and get drunk. Maybe I’ll play some video games when I get home. Maybe a small toast to the months that have come before.

Shout out to everyone else who is celebrating an un-birthday today too.



Johnny Sapphire said...

Am I older than EVERYONE I know??

Donny said...

I bet your mom's older.

Actually I'm older than you too. Don't you remember my 21st birthday, when I went to the bar alone because noone else could get in? What was the name of the bar we lived next door to? That was the only time I ever went in there. Boy was it sketchy.

Tom said...

P.J. Kilroy's

Donny said...

Thanks, how did I forget that?