Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Welcome Back

I took two days off last week, I took the first two days of this week off too. I was banking on the holiday to keep the workload for today light, and then it’s Friday, so really I was angling for zero days of doing actual work between last Wednesday and next Monday.

Unfortunately, that’s not quite how things work. I’m back today sitting at my desk and even though tomorrow is Thanksgiving there is still work to be done.

So I am legitimately hiding from work. The kid who sits next to me just told me my manager has three projects on his desk for me to work on, which is why I am not going over to the manager’s desk.

I am going to sit right here, hunkered down in my chair, deleting old emails from my inbox. And there are a lot of them. Unless hypermanager comes looking for me, and, based on the amount of work he’s trying to pawn off on me, he’s too busy for that, I’ll still be deleting old emails when lunchtime rolls around.

After lunch I’m going to try and steal a floppy disk from the supply closet and use it to transfer my account of big drive oh five from my laptop to the internet. It is excruciatingly honest, so much out of character with the rest of the stuff I post here that you might cringe as you read it, embarrassed for me, or for the people I write about, because you’re not used to that sort of thing here.

On the other hand, I may re-read it before posting and edit it some. I’m not sure yet. My instinct is pushing me toward “unedited.”


recommended download:
The Shins, Kissing The Lipless


Anonymous said...

i am dying to hear about big drive oh five and this post just whet my appetite even more.

Anonymous said...

UNEDITED. I need some good bored-in-Stoneham blog reads.

Donny said...

Did you write about me in that "unedited" entry? I'm shocked. Don't worry I won't be offended.

Tom said...

No, actually. The journal only goes up to Chicago the night before Milwaukee. I didn't write anything while in WI, and I've been too tired to sum up the rest of my trip since I've returned.