Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Something better than rest for the weary

I woke up today at eight. No, strike that. My alarm went off today at eight, I hit the snooze until nine.

Twenty minutes later, showered, dressed, and hungry, I made my way to the train. And beyond the normal reasons I like getting to work late (less work) there was another reason today: I saw the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in real life.

Now, I’m going to qualify that: There have been other girls I have found more attractive, physically; There have been more girls I’ve found more beautiful, personally; but this girl was the most objectively beautiful I’ve ever seen.

Nothing spectacular happened, readers, so don’t get your hopes up for an interesting post. That was it: an amazing girl was on the same train. This post is just here to document it, like taking a snapshot in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral. The picture won’t do it justice, but you can say you were there, that you saw it. Notre Dame doesn’t care that it was six in the morning, Paris time, and you were half-asleep from jet-lag and a night of video games in your hotel room, but you care. Because Notre Dame is impressive. And so was this dame. Massive towers, the bells, the stained glass, the Coach bag, the whole works.


recommended download:
The Beatles, Across The Universe


mance01 said...

I don't think I've ever seen the word "dame" in a blog post. Well played sir.

Johnny Sapphire said...

Tom: hey, I was in no condition to get anyone's number

Tom: half asleep, wrinkled shirt, brown shoes black socks

Tom: I do not look my best today

John: pussy

Anonymous said...

brown socks! black shoes! shame.

Anonymous said...

I mean, vice versa. Either way, still a fashion faux pas.

Tom said...

I'd like to take a moment to defend the black socks brown shoes situation:

I would much rather an extra hour in bed than matching socks and shoes.

Go ahead. Argue against sleep. I dare you, any of you. Jackass.

The point is she was beautiful in a monumental way. I almost couldn't have approached her. It would be like asking the Washington Monument out on a date. You'd like to date it, but you're so impressed by it all you can really do is stand next to it while your friend snaps a picture, just to prove you were that close to it. And, since I didn't have any friends or a polaroid, I posted a blog entry.


Anonymous said...

the washington monument was a poor thing to compare a woman to. not to be dirty but...i'm just saying. i would stick with the notre dame comparison. you know, keep it clean for the kids.

Tom said...

What I mean to say is this:

Her beauty was a solid kind of beauty. None of that ethereal crap fancy-pants authors use to describe angels and pixies. It was real. It was daunting. It commanded respect. Solid like granite is solid. The Washington Monument is granite. Actually, two different shades of white granite, because construction was stopped about a third of the way through for seven years (lack of funding) and then when construction was resumed they used granite from a diffent part of the same quarry. The new granite was slightly whiter than the granite used to construct the lower portion of the monument. But that is beside the point. The Washington monument, like the beauty of the gorgeous T rider (go ahead, make that dirty, I dare you) is also impressive.

Built to last. Also, she's a lefty.