Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well, I’ve (sort of) figured out a way around my hypermanager problem.

He gave me most of his daily work. I’m in charge of interest lines, long term maturities, trouble-shooting the stupid kid’s funds, rates, checklists, a whole bunch of stuff. He has less and less to do.

But, because he’s hypermanager, he’s got to check in, make sure I’m doing the work, because, technically, he’s responsible. He comes by my desk for an update about once a day.

But I’ve discovered something nice. I can make him leave me alone

Usually I’m swamped, which is how he plans it, I think.

Me: [engrossed in work, shuffling papers, flying through screens on the system, busy getting stuff done]

Hypermanager: “Hey, how’s it goin’? Did you look into those rates on those three funds? And what about the past-due line on the big fund? Did you have any trouble with the variances I sent you? Did you see the VP’s email about long-term securities?”

Me: “Yeah, right [shuffling papers, half-listening], everything’s good, I’m working on it –them- whatever. No problems [still shuffling]”

He checks in while I’m busy, so he can say he’s checked in. If anything goes wrong he can say “Tom never brought that to my attention.” As if I could, half-listening to him as I was during the “update.”

Not like anything would go wrong, or I’d miss anything, I am good at what I do, after all. I would like it if he just backed off a little bit. More than a little bit, I would like him to leave me the hell alone so I can work, then bring him the results in a basket wrapped in a pretty pink bow.

Today he stopped by for an update, when I was switching between projects, so I had a free minute. And I used it. To give hypermanager and update. A detailed account of what steps I took to figure out the problems, what steps needed to be taken to solve them, and what steps I had completed. His response? He balked, and stuttered, and backed away. He was trying to get the hell out of there. It was great. He doesn’t want the information, he just wants to remind me to do the work. This is the way to get rid of hypermanager: full disclosure, a complete update.

I have the power to get rid of him. I just have to start explaining.

recommended download:
Transformers Theme, Decepticon remix
Stan Bush, Dare (from the Transformers movie soundtrack)

1 comment:

Donny said...

When I have to talk to one of the more intense consultants in my office, I've learned to always bring some work to give to her. I think she must be like hyper-manager in that she's always reminding me of stuff, but she doesn't necessarily want it done right now, she's just anxious overall. So, when I have a question for her I bring some work to give to her and it distracts her from giving me additional things to do.