Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Better than spellcheck

Hey, listen, I hope someone is checking my math on these countdown posts…because there are going to be at least thirteen more of them, and I’d like to say there should be at most thirteen more of them, but who the hell knows…  It’s not like I graduated from a major university with a math degree or anything. It’s entirely possible (likely?) I’ll end up departing for BIG DRIVE OH FIVE on day negative-three.


** in the interest of total honesty I’d like to say that I struggled, before publishing this post, with the phrase “there are going to be…” and decided, after some deliberation that “there is going to be…” was even worse. After checking with an outside source it was determined that the correct form is “there will be…” which is much simpler and more elegant. So I’m just letting you know I know, and that I’m not going to change it. Because now this post is twice as long.



Donny said...

With whom are you checking your grammar? Are you asking your office neighbors for blogging help?

Tessa said...

Lengthening your post through self-deprecation? You learn well, grasshopper. He he.

Johnny Sapphire said...

Why am I being referenced as an "outside source," when we all know that you come to me for all of your grammatical conundrums and errata?

Tom said...

it's not like I have a choice, you're the only person who's online at work. it's either you or, and who says I relied on you without backup from good ol' m-w?

Johnny Sapphire said...

Ms. Webster is nice, but she's not going to correct your grammar.

Not with love, anyway.