Thursday, November 10, 2005

Asleep at the wheel

So I am becoming a little preoccupied with this trip to Milwaukee. It is a big deal. It is also incredibly expensive. Not that I mind too much, what’s money for but to spend? I’ve got questions racing through my mind.

Will I really need one thousand dollars for gas? Will I have any trouble buying the Yuengling? Can I really drive for sixteen hours in a row?

Honestly, it’s the last one that’s really getting to me. I sit here at work for eight hours a day. I sit at home for six hours or so before going to bed. I’m not an active guy, so I should be used to it, right?

On the other hand, I’ve a genetic predisposition for falling asleep while driving, so maybe I’ll make it three hours into the trip and then wrap my truck around a guard rail. It’d be a good way to save on some of that gas money.

I’ve been thinking about this a little, and you know what you can do? You can call me. Because you’ll be sitting at home, bored, or at work, bored, waiting for an update to my blog, which you won’t be getting because I’ll be out on the road, and you can call me (if you’ve got the number, obviously)!

You’ll be all “how’s BIG DRIVE OH FIVE going?”
And I’ll be all “Pretty good so far, I haven’t fallen asleep once!”
And you’ll be all “Good!”
And that will be it for a couple of seconds, because really, what’s there to talk about?

That might be a dumb idea. I don’t care. I’ve got my playlist.

recommended download:
Dave Matthews Band, Warehouse


Anonymous said...

Talking on your cell phone without a earpiece while driving is illegal in many states. Be sure to do the appropriate research beforehand so you are not caught unawares and ticketed / fined / arrested. That would undoubtedly add to your costs and increase the burden that this trip already is heavily slated to be. Or, alternatively, buy an earpiece. You heard it here first.

Also - Have you started thinking about the RETURN trip yet? Cuz if you think you aren't going to like / survive the drive OUT there, the looming return drive can put a real damper on some otherwise good ole' Milwaukee good times. Just something to think about.

Have a great day!

Tom said...

My main concern is the return trip, but I took an extra day off from work just in case I need more time to come back. If I feel like I can only drive six hours at a time I can do that.

Also, I only ever talk on speaker phone when I'm in the car, earpieces are for dorks.


Anonymous said...

you can always stop by philly, like i originally suggested. it is a good pit stop, for reasons i also already stated. cheesesteaks. also, you owe me a haiku meal. man, i still haven't gotten that.

i am never participating in another one of your stupid contests!!

ps when will you be driving again?

Tom said...

driving again? you mean the dates of BIG DRIVE OH FIVE?

I depart Boston on Nov. 16th, hopefully I arrive in Chicago on Nov. 16th

I depart Milwaukee on Nov. 21 to arrive back in Boston anytime before Nov. 23

Lots of polka, cheese, and beer in between.

Anonymous said...

you could also stop in Maryland! It's probably not on the way, but whatever. We live near a really UGLY mall, you don't want to miss that!

Also we live one exit away from the NSA and the National Cryptology Museum. Eh? EH? You're hooked, aren't you?