Wednesday, October 19, 2005


New floors. New floors are the most recent addition to our recent addition. The house now looks fabulous. Which, technically, no, that is a lie. The addition and the new floors look fabulous. The rest of the house looks like the inside of pressure-maintenance hatch 3263827. That is, it is a disaster.

No matter. The new floors are amazing. They hardwood, laminated to perfection, and totally ready to be walked on. OH NO – WAIT - THEY HAVEN’T DRIED YET!

Oops. My family forgot to mention that the upstairs hallway was replaced by the same guys that laid the new floor and the laminate is still a little tacky. And now also has a nice, very well defined imprint of my size thirteen left shoe right at the top of the stairs.

Thanks family.

Well, that’s the upstairs. The downstairs looks amazing. A giant 20x16 ft. room in new shiny polished oak, gleaming like a big pool of water. I can hardly wait to start moving furniture in there and scratching it up.

The last time we did the floors I was about twelve, I think. We had boards balanced on cinderblocks crossing the living room, dining room, and the front hall. Trying to get from the foot of the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, and then from the kitchen out the front door from school was like a game of Super Pitfall for the old NES. But instead of alligators leaping up to kill you, it was tacky poly gleaming up at you, and the threat of dad killing you that was the real danger.

We’ve already go the plumbers and electricians scheduled to come do the finish work, lay the baseboard, finish the bathroom, and then it’s livable. I’ll be able to move into my very own room by Thanksgiving time. (Except during Thanksgiving it won’t be my very own room, because I’m sharing it with my brother when he’s home from school…so technically it’s “our” room, but thinking practically, it’s mostly just for me, me, me.) We’ve got plans to put in a big tv, the Xbox, a couch, a mini-fridge, and a small computer desk. Though, to fit it all we may still have to bunk the beds. Which is fine with me…(I like being near the ceiling?).

It’s going to be painted blue, I think.

recommended download:
The Old 97’s, Designs On You

1 comment:

mance01 said...

Damn. That's a big frikkin' shoe. :-p