Monday, October 03, 2005

The Polar Opposite of Bliss

Hey, look! A third post today! How could Tom possibly have enough free time during his working hours of ten to six to post three times? I know! He has to STAY LATE TODAY because expenses were posted incorrectly on all the funds and have to be manually reversed and reposted as of Sept. 30th! Hey, throw an extra hour of work into the workday and of course there’s time for one more post.

I HAVE TO STAY LATE TODAY BECAUSE THERE WAS A THIRD SCREW UP ON FRIDAY. That’s 1.) Bad accruals and interest lines. 2.) Morons booking, and rebooking trades with bad accrual parameters. And 3.) Bad expense postings that we found out about today.

The first I couldn’t do anything to prevent aside from taking over all of the funds. The second I couldn’t do anything to prevent, because I don’t have any say in the hiring and firing of personnel. The third no one could do anything to prevent because it was a system error, and hey what are you going to do. I don’t want a job that is this frustrating.

I JUST WANT TO UNDERSTAND HOW THINGS WORK – and if they don’t work, I need to understand why. WHICH HAS NOT HAPPENED TODAY –which is the most frustrating thing about it. I hate not knowing.

Stupid pilgrims.

recommended download:
Pearl Jam, Thin Air

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