Monday, October 24, 2005

An Expensive Habit

I’ve got expensive tastes. I am a consumer at heart. No, scratch that. I am an acquirer at heart. I buy things, and then I keep them. Computers, movies, books, toys, games, clothes, everything. I think the only things I actually consume are food items.

This is one of the reasons I think I would make a good rich guy. I would buy everything. Well, you know, not everything, but almost certainly one of everything.

Which brings me to my reason for posting, my expensive habit: I buy things that cost money.

Recently I’ve been really acquiring too many dvds. To wit: Danger Mouse season one and two on dvd. Lost season one on dvd. Unleashed (unrated) on dvd. Sideways on dvd. Kingdom of heaven on dvd. The Muppet Show season one on dvd. That’s in the last two weeks.

Also: Star Wars Battlefront for xbox. and Enter the Matrix for xbox.

But worse than that, is I want more.
more more more more more more more more more more

I’m trying to recapture my youth here. I want it to be as if I’d never left. I want to have these television shows from my childhood (for example) for my kids to watch. To round out my collection I need
  • Count Duckula season one on dvd

  • Bananaman on dvd (not released)

  • G.I. Joe on dvd (I’ve got all the episodes (that’s right, every single episode) on vhs, but that’s lame)

  • Transformers (obviously, esp. the movie! damn that movie was great)

  • Gem (maybe)

  • Silverhawks

  • Thundercats (maybe)

  • He-Man (probably not, the toys were wicked cool though)

  • The Mysterious Cities of Gold

  • Square One

  • 3-2-1 Contact

  • Possibly Eureka’s Castle, Fred Penner’s Place, David the Gnome, and that crazy show where the mannequin came to life after the department store closed (which was freaky...)

  • The Muppet Show (seasons two through six)

  • Sesame Street

  • Fraggle Rock (probably)

  • Batman the animated series (I think)

Plus, I’ll probably need a lot of the great shows that are on right now, like The West Wing, Gilmore Girls, Friends (maybe), and Arrested Development.

I need more money. This is probably why I haven’t quit my job.


recommended download:
Theme, The Mysterious Cities of Gold
Theme, Silverhawks      
Relient K, I’m Lion-o


Donny said...

It would be nice if you would bring the Lost DVD with you to Milwaukee. Then we could watch it during hung over mornings.

When Ray visited, we spent almost a whole day watching the Simpsons. It was like we were back in college.

Tom said...

Sorry, won't happen. I'm saving it to watch the whole season over thanksgiving with my brother when he's home from school. I'd be happy to bring any other dvds I have (or will undoubtedly obtain in the meantime).

Which reminds me, do you own any oscar winning dvds? and if so which

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Donny SLAMMED! You open your home to someone you think is your friend and, lo, they suddenly are holding out on you with the popular television series DVDs. And you think you know a person! Sounds like Tom didnt even give it a second thought, either. He dives straight into the phony apology and lame excuses. And the nerve! He then asks for YOU to share YOUR collections, as if theres been no infraction on his part! He's cold, that Tom. Cold and calculating. I say you put some real pokey things in your futon right before his visit. That'll teach him.

Tom said...

I'd like to address "KT"'s last point first (no pun intended) (ok, the pun was intended) I happen to like sleeping on uncomfortable futon mattresses, so Donny, if your intent is to make my stay unpleasant I would suggest a super-comfortable mattress.

Second, I was not, in fact, asking Donny to share his movie collection as KT assumed, but, rather inquiring if he had any oscar winners becuase I planned on bringing one as a gift - THANKS FOR RUINING THE SURPIRSE - and wouldn't want to bring a duplicate.

and I did give it a second thought. You don't know how long I agonized over that comment before hitting "login and publish" it was a long time... at least like a minute or two

besides, who are you to critique quality family time, hmm? you've never gone camping with your siblings? or bonded over a marathon session of tony hawk on playstation two, or stayed up all night helping with a project due the next day, or gone to the movies and made fun of the other people in the audience? shame, shame on you KT, for trivializing the fraternal bond I share with my brother, and the near-fraternal bond I share with Donny! You know, I'm going to go ahead and ruin another surprise here, I'm going to tell you that I decided to bring season one and two of Danger Mouse to WI instead of Lost. Go ahead, just rip my heart out why don't you?!

I hope you, KT, come up to visit me in my new apartment (once I get one) so I can put pokey things in the futon mattress you'll be sleeping on (once I get one of those also), and see how you like it.


Donny said...

Actually, how about if you send Lost to me a week or two before your arrival, and then I can have it finished so that it can go home with you?

I'm not sure if my DVD collection has Oscar movies in it. I only have Shrek, LOTR, Sunshine State, Spellbound, and Magnolia. Luckily Jake has increased my collection to include such classics as Superman, Field of Dreams, Boyz in the Hood, and I'm Gonna Get Ya Sucka, among others.

Please don't bring Danger Mouse, but the Muppet Show would be greatly appreciated

Tom said...

How can you not like Danger Mouse?! He's terrific! He's magnific! (to quote the theme song)

Anonymous said...

You want a crime? It is a crime that Warner Bros. never released Animaniacs on DVD.


And dude, Fraggle Rock is like the BEST show ever made. Sometimes I tell Felecia that she's like a doozer.

....good lord that would be the best gift ever.

Donny said...

Lindsay, quit leaving hints for Tom to buy you gifts. He's going to be spending his money on my gifts.

Tom said...

Lindsay, I already got you a gift. It's a tacky t-shirt. I told you this. You're not getting Fraggle Rock season one on dvd. Not before I've got a copy of my own at any rate.

Donny, you got a gift too. It's an oscar winning movie...maybe it was only nominated... (ha, not much of a clue there!)

Felecia...I guess it's your turn to make a request.

Tom said...

well, I'm not going to wear it

Tom said...

because it's a gift! you wouldn't want to be ungrateful, would you?

Tom said...

Well, tough. :) And it wasn't back in July, it was like three weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

A request? For a birthday gift? Or a tacky t-shirt? Do you buy only DVDs as birthday presents? I don't know, we all know I'm obsessed with 24. I only have season 3. There ya go.

Something to buy in Milwaukee - the "Visit Stoneham, MA" t-shirt...

Anonymous said...

it was so NOT 3 weeks ago - it was in July.

Tom said...

dude. it was not in july. I will explain further tomorrow night, when I will also present you with said present. >BAM<