Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So, you know what? It's fine. I was clearly overreacting, or late-reacting, or reacting in some way that wasn't quite right.

Then, I got a good night's sleep, and this morning, I'm totally fine. I feel like I did get over this whole thing months ago. A mere blip on the radar, a nothing. If she wants to go do what she does, that's fine. It does not affect me in any way. I have friends, I do things, I do not center on whatever the pretty girl decides to do. She is peripheral at best. I have recovered.

Onward. Upward. Movie-ward.

Yes, movie-ward. Because, audience, I am going to meet a creepy internet stalker in person. Go me. (Actually, this will be the second creepy internet stalker I've met in person, the first, you may recall, lives in texas and invited me to a baseball game, and was in fact, not creepy, not a stalker, and not an internet). Anyway. This meeting will be taking place on the morrow, at a movie theater, and the creepy internet stalker decreed that we bring friends so it's not too awkward or weird and we will have body shields (thanks friends) in case anything goes horribly horribly wrong, like, I don't know, spontaneous combustion or something.

We'll see how it goes. :-Þ

recommended downloads:
Veggie Tales, His Cheeseburger
Bush, Machinehead
Howie Day, Disco Afternoon


mance01 said...

Good for you- have a good time tomorrow night. :)

Stephermay said...

and "where is my hairbrush" by veggietales should not be overlooked...

Tom said...

I assure you, none of the veggietales songs are overlooked. pirates who dont' do anything, the eight polish foods of christmas, high silk hat, etc

Stephermay said...

wonderful. stella loves her some silly music.

mance01 said...

Dude! Creepy internet stalker movie-night update please!!

Tom said...

how bout a blog update! hmm?