Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I cannot believe I have to come in to work tomorrow. That is ridiculous. My brain isn't working.
Also I can't believe John didn't post the conversation we had about this very subject. It was "hilario." Well, ok, I'm only guessing it was funny, it may have been nothing but drivel, perhaps even incorrectly spelled drivel. If that is the case, kudos to John for not posting. If it is not the case, if I am right, then you all missed an opportunity to read more of/about me, for which I know you will be very angry at (not with) John. So, John, I hope for your sake that it wasn't funny, I would not wish hordes of angry readers upon any blogger, but especially upon you.

No, that's a lie, I would definitely wish hordes of angry readers on some blogger, but none spring to mind (as my mind is performing sluggishly, on this, the second-to-last-day-before-I-get-the-hell- out-of-here). And, by the way John, I saved the conversation. So when I do get a chance to read it with a working brain we'll both know if it was funny, and then my friend we shall see. We shall see who is right, and who is dead.

With my ponderously slow brain (no, really, ponderously slow - it took two minutes to spell that phonetically) I have done zero work. Ask me what I was supposed to finish before leaving for VACATION. I'll tell you:
-- archive the Ireland fund -- archive the Treasury fund -- archive the new-guy-who-quit-after-two-months's funds -- start report for training focus group -- finish report for training focus group -- meet with training focus group (three times) -- present finished training project -- complete employee self-evaluation for semi-annual managerial reveiw --

I have completed none of those tasks. I have started none of those tasks. I am doing a bang-up job.

Happy almost vacation to all of us.



Stephermay said...

i must ask - what is the lure (or lack thereof) to my equine activities? Is it the "i wonder if she owns a pair of chaps" thing? the whips and spurs thing?

Johnny Sapphire said...

actually, i just wasn't really paying attention. i was working and every few minutes i would come back, and there would be this treatise on how bored you were, and i just didn't have the energy to sift through it.

so every now and then i would just throw in a "yeah" or "uh huh" or "what a bitch," and that seemed to keep you satisfied.

besides, i had a pretty hilario convo with you the other day and you TOLD me you wouldn't post it.

karma, tom. karma.

Anonymous said...

I cut those types of Tom conversations off at the start--the constant blinking annoys the shit out of me if I ignore him, and trillian won't let you hide windows when you're away.

Or I just sign off.

Tom said...

"lure (or lack thereof)" ? I just meant, you know, it's aparent you like horses.

but yes, now that you mention it, chaps and whips come readily to mind.

your horse got a name?

Stephermay said...

chevy. actually, it's cheval, french for horse. i didn't name her. but i call her chevy. i was an animal science major in college, concentration in equine studies. it's a little deeper than being a horse-crazy little girl who has every barbie horse ever made - it's my sport of choice. :)