Saturday, June 04, 2005


Press box
Originally uploaded by a20261.
These are my favorite ten from the game. Go Red Sox.

Red Sox Photo Set


Anonymous said...

tom you are starting to look like a guy i dated in high school. a guy that i broke up with. because he had ridiculous hair.

you, tom. you have that hair.

think breaskfast club. think john bender. think that was then, this is now. think supercuts.

Tom said...

I have never seen breakfast club. I don't know who john bender is. I thought supercuts for my whole life. Maybe this is who I am now. Also, if you pay close attention to the photo you may notice a wisp of a goatee. I'm thinking of this as my bohemian stage. Think Shaggy, of Scooby-Doo fame.

wasn't emilio estevez in breakfast club? how could you wrong with emilio? oh, and did I ever tell you about the time I went to see Ms. Saigon at the Wang theater, but before the show we had coffee at a place across the street, and Judd Nelson was in there looking all coked-out and playing a mrs. pac-man arcade? that was pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

tom judd nelson IS john bender. i can't believe you saw him. playing a ms pac man arcade game. wow. i saw Miss Saigon at the Wang and I didn't see any famous coked out people. sad.

and i am definitely thinking Shaggy. very Shaggy. very bohemian. Don't doubt me, i'll always love you. i'm just saying, i liked your old haircut. it was cute. like, around the corner i have a million kid brothers cute. like, you wanna grab a lager after work we'll go dutch cute. like, maybe-you-could-score-with-a-cute-girl-who-can-cook-and-who-is-better-than-sliced-bread-but-never-better-than-adina-even-though-adina-is-unavailable-since-adina-is-slicing-her-bread-with-dan cute. you know? :)

Tom said...

I have never said "lager" except when explaining the difference between a lager and an ale. I have never said "go dutch." and I still have a million siblings around the corner, but the youngest one is now eleven and yesterday when danny had to go to the hospital for stitches three of those siblings could drive him there legally. I'm breaking out.

and man, she is wonderful, isn't she? [sigh].


ps. but of course not as wonderful as sliced-adina-to-whom-dan-shouldn't-be-cruel-and-just-propose-already-DAN-THIS-MEANS-YOU-bread