Friday, May 13, 2005

A Princess

Who is your favorite Disney villain? Is it The evil queen in Snow White? She's got a secret lab with bones and poison and can turn herself into an old hag. Is it Scar? He mercilessly plotted the deaths of his own brother and nephew and allied himself with the hyenas. Is it Ursula? She's got tentacles, magic powers, and an excellent singing voice. Is it Cruella? She wanted to make coats - coats! - out of innocent puppies, and she's got a bitchin' car.

'Fess up. Who's your favorite? Mine's Maleficent. Come on, she's evil, she can teleport, she's got a castle full of warped knee-high soldier creatures, that awesome headdress, and she turns into a dragon. A dragon.

recommended download:
Matt Nathanson, Princess


mance01 said...

As far as bone-chilling from my childhood, definitely the Snow White hag. She's the only one that tried to drop a boulder on me. But now? I'd have to say that Judge Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame totally freaks me out. That whole evil, yet at the same time oh-so-religiously zealous thing? Truly frightening. Not unlike certain world leaders.

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with you - maleficent is the best disney villain. you have to respect a villain who will willingly proclaim herself as "the mistress of all evil". gotta love a bad guy who isn't in denial.

artistically, she is also the best drawn and rendered.