Tuesday, January 04, 2005

We've got a lot of work to do

This week and next we're going to be busy here. So it's a good thing I'm coming out of my slump. Lately work has seemed very tiresome, boring, and unworthy of me. I'm pretty sure I haven't been the model employee this week. But no more, already I can feel myself turning away from the negative work ethic, coming up from the deep, ready to tackle newer problems with original solutions, ready to work efficiently and effectively to complete the difficult tasks assigned.

Meanwhile all I can hear is miss misery: "I'll fake it through the day, with some help from Johnny Walker Red..." ha. I think it's ironic, and not foreboding.

and for you simpson fans out there, I received a simpsons trivia calendar for christmas and it's on my desk. todays question: in "last exit to springfield" where is the union representative who Mr. Burns is waiting for?"


and recommended download:
Oasis, Acquiesce
Pearl Jam, F*ckin Up (Neil Young cover)

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