Monday, November 29, 2004

world traveller

Ok, so I just read Maureen's livejournal...the whole thing. It took me like half an hour, and now my eyes hurt. More than that though, I am consumed by jealousy.

Tom and Maureen moved to Morrocco. Maureen is teaching there, the school gave Tom a job running the computer lab (and also the library). And it seems all they do is have adventures. Morrocco, Austria, Turkey? Greece? South Africa? Where will it end...these are the two I visited in London (marking the only time I've ever left the North American continent). Honestly guys, what's up for next year? Antartica? The deepest jungles of the Amazon? or have you already done that?

Whew. Ok. Having said that, there are many things I would like to do, for example
1. Fly to Morrocco and visit Tom and Mo
2. Fly to Milwaukee (ok, not as exotic, I know) and visit Donny
3. Fly to San Diego and visit Glenn (and juggle)
4. Buy a car and drive to Milwaukee and San Diego on a grand road-trip adventure

At present I have decided to pursue option #4. Therefore I am saving all my money, every penny, every single last cent, so I can buy a car, and enough gas to make it to CA and back.
I am also trying to figure out which car I should buy, there are a lot of them...what would be a good car for a road trip.

You know, like Caine in "KUNG FU." Just walk from town to town, meet people, get in adventures.

More later.

recommended downloads:
The Darkness, Dancing on a Friday Night
Urge Overkill, Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon

1 comment:

Johnny Sapphire said...

I will sell you my car for $1000. That is less than Blue Book trade-in. You may be able to talk me down. It runs well. But it is a standard. I will teach you. It gets good gas, has new tires, and new stuff under the hood. Not sure what, but my brother did the work before I got it from him a few months ago. For reals.