Friday, November 26, 2004

Work is overrated. School (college) is underrated, and, underappreciated by most. My goal is to work just long enough that I can sustain a college student lifestyle. Sleep until 10, breakfast prepared by someone else, videogames in the afternoon, hang out with friends for dinner and afterwards, and it won't matter what night of the week it is you drink, because you won't be working the next day. Maybe a part time job to keep me grounded, but really just so I'll have someplace to call so I can lie about being sick. A lifestyle where I can devote a few hours a week to meaningless games clubs or activities (juggling) and/or a lifestyle where I would be responsible for the safety/wellbeing for younger college type people (ra).

Because I miss school. And I miss no income. Really. Making-do, scraping-by, that's real character building...but I think the biggest part is, when everyone you know, when 20,000 kids your own age living with six block of you are in the same situation, that can be a lot of fun. I mean stealing ketchup from the dining halls fun, I mean borrowing flatware, and dishes, and bowls, fun, I mean picking your fights, and sticking with them (like bringing ketchup into the dining halls). Like partys getting broken up where the drunk RAs outnumber the on-call RAs three to one or better. Being able to visit your friends because they live two flights of stairs away, and not two airplane flights away plus a two-hour layover in chicago.

I'm thankful for the memories, and the friends I share them with.

cascadingly yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear tom,

transfer to LJ.

love, adina